Mark's Message
Mark's Message
Put your phone down!
80 percent of a child’s brain development occurs in the first three years of life. Therefore, it is obvious that parents need to make their relationship with their children a top priority. They need to pay attention to what their children are doing and saying. A child’s brain development is nourished by interactions with parents, especially face-to-face conversations. Children’s brains are like sponges and the more we speak directly to them the more they learn.
Since the world started to use smartphones, I see many parents interacting with their phones more than with their children. You see it at restaurants where children are eating a plate of fries in silence while both parents are on their phones. That used to surprise me, now it just saddens me to see a child crying for attention from her mommy and daddy but losing that battle to the smartphone. I’ve seen it in the park where a child was trying to show her Mom that she was finally riding her bike, but the Mom was deep in a conversation on the phone and missed that once in a lifetime milestone.
Our first priority should be to our children, not our phones.
How will a child learn to interact with adults if they are always busy on their phones?
Young children learn how to be with others and how to love others by interacting with their parents daily and often.
I am grateful for the technology that a smartphone provides.
I use it all the time. But we need to realize that when we are with our kids, we really need to focus our attention on them.
And that means putting our phones away. It may also mean taking phones away from children!
If you really want to help your child’s overall development, provide them with direct attention and converse with them as much as you can.
Technology helps us in many ways, but nothing can take the place of face-to-face interaction with your young children when it comes to learning speech, how to get along with others and how to become a more empathetic human being.
It is one of the most important responsibilities of a parent today.

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作成日:2021.12.22. (更新)
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