Mark's Message
Mark's Message
Shohei Ohtani is great!
Like many baseball fans around the world, I am amazed by what Shohei Ohtani san has accomplished this past year. Everyone has heard about his outstanding year as a pitcher and as a home run slugger as well. He had one of the best seasons any player has ever had. How did he become such an amazing player? One big reason may because he identified, set and worked on goals that he felt would make him a better athlete and a better person. I recently read a book that introduced the method he used to guide him in attaining his goals. I was surprised to learn that he set these goals when he was just a first-year high school student. He used a method called Mandal-Art in which he listed eight goals that would help him attain his main goal, as well as 64 characteristics he needed to develop to help him demonstrate strong
character as a person. His top goal was to be drafted first overall by eight teams. While many of his goals are directly related to playing baseball, there are many that are not. My favorite ones related to creating a strong character: Expressing gratitude, picking up trash, keeping his room clean, having consideration, being polite, being positive, persistence, and being reliable.
The media in America is astonished at Shohei’s politeness to others, his respect for the game and his overall graciousness. I am amazed seeing Ohtani san pick up trash from the field. The fans are amazed to see how respectful he always is to the umpires (even if they make bad calls). I love seeing the courtesy he extends to the batboys. Most other players throw their equipment on the ground, while Shohei san hands it respectfully to batboys. His goals for being a person of good character are inspiring. He motivates many young boys and girls to play baseball and he inspires all of us to be better people. Ohtani san won the MVP (Most Valuable Player) award for 2021, and in the hearts of many fans I think he also won the Most Valuable Person award too.
I am looking forward to next season with more great baseball, more home runs and more big smiles from Shohei Ohtani san.

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