Mark's Message
Mark's Message
40 Years of Gratitude
It is hard to believe that I have lived in Japan for 40 years. I am so grateful to World Family and to all of you for making my life what it is today. It is interesting to see how Japan has changed over that time.  When I lived in Mito long, long ago, there were very few gaijin and I stood out. People pointed and shouted, ‘gaijin da!’ Not many children spoke English either and it seemed people only studied English because it was on the entrance exam. But things have changed! Now no one shouts at me and I no longer feel like an outsider. Children study English to communicate now. Sometimes I am nostalgic for the days of Showa (especially the music) when I made my first friends, and we struggled in funny ways to communicate. Learning Japanese was a joy because it had a purpose: to communicate with my new friends. It connected me to the people around me and world I was living in. Learning a foreign language is like magic and can transform you if you make the effort and if you let it.



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