Mark's Message
Mark's Message
An Angel

The other day I went for a walk and came to a very old shrine. There was a young boy there and when he saw me he shouted, "I like your sunglasses! They’re cool!" I asked him how old he was. He said he was six. Then he ran to me and gave me a long hug. I was so surprised! Then he just looked into my eyes and smiled for a long time. His mother called to him, and he went back to her. But as he was leaving the shrine he shouted to me, "Remember to ask God for what you really want!" I will have to think about that. And I will always remember this little angel boy. It was really as if an angel had jumped down from Heaven to give me a big hug and a smile. And it reminded me of this: A simple hug and smile can make you very happy.

ある日、散歩の途中でとても古い神社に着きました。そこには男の子がいて、私に気づくと、「そのサングラスいいね。とってもかっこいい!」と話しかけてきました。私も「君はいくつ?」と聞くと、「6歳だよ」と言った途端こちらに走ってきて、私の腰に両腕を回して抱きしめてくれました。とてもビックリしました! そしてまっすぐに私の目を見つめ、長い間ほほえんでくれました。お母さんに呼ばれて戻っていきましたが、帰り際にこちらを振り返って「本当にお願いしたいことだけを神様にお願いしてね!」と大きな声で教えてくれました。私も神様に何をお願いするのか考えなくては。この天使のような少年のことを私はこの先も忘れることはないでしょう。まるで天国から天使が降りてきて、私を抱きしめ、ほほえんでくれたかのようでした。


I like your sunglasses! They’re cool!
I like your haircut! It looks great!
I love your new shoes! They’re really nice!

A simple hug and a smile can make you very happy.
Eating a bowl of ice cream after dinner makes me happy.
Going to the English Carnival makes me happy.



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