みなさんのおうちの「ごはんの時間」に関するイラストや写真を、郵送か応募フォームよりお送りください。WFマガジンNo.269やこちらのページ下部「みんなの投稿」でご紹介させていただきます。1月31日(金)必着 延長しました! 2/11(火・祝)必着で送ってくださいね!
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WFマガジン投稿/感想フォーム ←←たくさんのご応募お待ちしています♪1月31日(金)23:59まで 延長しました! 2/11(火・祝)23:59まで!
東京都新宿区西新宿4-15-7 パシフィックマークス新宿パークサイド1F
ワールド・ファミリー株式会社 WFクラブ「WFマガジン Our Kids」係1月31日(金)必着 延長しました! 2/11(火・祝)必着!
子どもと一緒にクッキング! 歌いながらつくります
For breakfast, my son Jei likes to make w affles u sing the waffle iron my dad gave me when I was his a ge. He loves baking cupcakes! He likes to crack the eggs, pourin all the ingredients and mix it all up while singing “Flour, Sugar, Milk and Butter”! It’s so cute!
息子のジェイは、朝食にワッフルをつくるのが好き! そのワッフル型は、私がいまのジェイと同じ年齢のときに父がプレゼントしてくれたものなんです! カップケーキもよくつくります。卵を割って材料を混ぜるのが好きで、“Flour, Sugar, Milk, and Butter”を歌いながらつくっている姿が、とてもかわいい!
My wife’s mother always says,“ Food tastes better when you’re with the people you love.” Every time I hear her say that it puts a smile on my face. Whenever I’m fortunate enough to eat with my family, not only does my belly become full, but my heart as well.
With our schedules changing from day to day, our dinner time routine changes as well. Therefore, we try to make the inconsistency a good thing! Sometimes we eat at the dinner table, while other times we will eat near the television. Recently we started growing vegetables in our yard. One day we decided to use all of our homemade ingredients in our dinner. We even ate outside near the plants themselves! It was so much fun! So whether it’s inside or outside, homemade or store bought, early evening or even l ate night, we think the most important part is that we’re all together.
で育てた野菜を使った料理を畑のそばで食べたときは、とても楽しかったですね! 食事
My son is still very young, so my wife and I just started giving him solid food. It is very interesting to watch his expression as he tries new foods. His favorite food is rice. He doesn’t like tomatoes.
I usually try to entertain him while my wife feeds him, but he likes to look at his mom more than his dad when he is eating. But when I feed him, he likes to look at me!
My son doesn’t really drink a lot of milk for his age, but he always eats a lot of food.
妻が離乳食を食べさせているときは、隣で息子を楽しませようとしても妻の顔ばかり見ていますが、私がごはんをあげると私の顔をしっかり見てくれます! ミルクよりも離乳食のほうをよく食べるようになってきました!