Mark's Message
Mark's Message
Love is the answer.
In 2022 there are over 40 armed conflicts being waged around the world. When I hear that my first thought is, “Haven’t we learned that killing isn’t the answer to anything?” As we all know, there are hundreds upon hundreds of wonderful things worth living for, and some people may say there are even a few things worth dying for, but we should all know by now in the 21st century that there is nothing worth killing another human being for.
And why haven’t we learned that war is not the
answer? Why do people all over the world continue to settle their disagreements with war, killing thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women and children? Have we forgotten that we all came from the same place, meaning we truly are One World Family? Have we forgotten how to love each other? Maybe lessons on how to love each other should be added to the curriculum in our schools. We certainly do study a lot about the wars from the past, but how about studying how to make a peaceful world in the future?
We see a lot of conflict because someone has a different color of skin, or because they worship a different God, or simply because they want to take something from another group of people. As Nelson Mandela said, “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than itsopposite.”
Life is a gift that is given to us. Someday it will end. But how we choose to spend our days here is our gift to life. Our time on Earth is shorter than we will ever
realize. So let’s remember to choose kindness over hate, love over anger, compassion over indifference, and peace over war, because we are a family! One World Family.


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