Hi boys and girls! Hello moms and dads!
Today I want to talk about peace and Mother Teresa. Do you know Mother Teresa?
She was a woman who helped people. She helped poor people, sick people, and lonely people. And she showed the world how we can create peace through acts of love.
She made the world a better place.
She said, ‘Peace starts with a smile.’ Can you say that? Peace starts with a smile. Now let’s say it together! Peace starts with a smile.
And smiling is something we all can do. Let’s spread peace today. Let’s smile!
今回は、平和とマザー・テレサについてお話したいと思います。マザー・テレサを知っていますか? 貧しい人々や病気や孤独に悩んでいる人に手を差し伸べた女性です。私たちに、どのようにしたら世界に平和をもたらすことができるか教えてくれた人物でもあります。彼女はこう言っています。「‘Peace starts with a smile.’(平和は笑顔から始まる)」みなさんも言ってみましょう。‘Peace starts with a smile.’ 声を揃えて、‘Peace starts with a smile.’